20+ Work-Eligible Apprentice-Ready Workers Seeking Opportunity
20+ Work-Eligible Apprentice-Ready Workers Seeking Opportunity
There are currently 20+ Cleveland Builds graduates seeking an apprenticeship opportunity. This is a well-qualified and diverse group that includes people interested in a variety of trades, Cleveland residents, people of color, and women. All successfully completed our training and have passed a drug test. Please contact our Director of Training, AC Fenderson, to discuss our apprentice-ready career-seekers.
Our Placement Plan
During 2025, Cleveland Builds will train more than 200 pre-apprentices and will aim to place in union apprenticeships all who are qualified and work-eligible. Each month, except for July and December, qualified and work-eligible individuals will complete our Apprenticeship-Readiness Program and will be seeking an opportunity to begin a career in the union trades.
Two great opportunities exist to get to know Cleveland Builds’ future tradespeople:
Speak about your trade during one of our training sessions. Contact our Director of Training, Darlene Glass, to schedule a time.
Attend our monthly Graduation - please contact our Office Administrator, Amber Lee, to let us know you plan to attend.
Previous Placements
Cleveland Builds is nearing 200 apprenticeship placements in 18 different trades. Over 75% of placed apprentices are succeeding in their apprenticeships. Apprentices are working as Boilermakers, Bricklayers, Carpenters, Cement Masons, Drywall Finishers, Electricians (Inside Wireman & Telecommunications), Glaziers, Insulators, Ironworkers, Laborers, Millwrights, Operating Engineers, Painters, Pipefitters, Plumbers, Roofers, and Sheet Metal Workers.